

  • Working alongside our clients, we coordinate and structure development of detailed business cases to achieve targeted investments. We construct and deliver market entry and market expansion strategies for clients.

  • We help get clients ‘investment ready’, providing independent reviews of project business cases, investment strategies, regulatory frameworks and partner selection to ensure they are tailored to secure timely and effective investment committee approvals.

  • We help clients to achieve maximum value from private sector and government investments with financial modelling expertise and our deep experience in building capital and cross-sector financing partnerships.

Transaction Support

  • We help clients to critically evaluate their position and deliver winning bids. Our support is driven by deep knowledge of markets, economic analysis and evaluation frameworks.

  • We support client investment teams in due diligence processes, with clear and independent commercial advice. Where investment partners are involved, we develop deal structures, scenario-test competitor positions, and assist clients in contract negotiations.

Asset Development

  • We have a well-established track record at making relevant introductions to partners and managing complex industry stakeholder and infrastructure user groups that are important to success in new capital investments.

  • When projects commence, we are with our clients at every step helping to manage projects through their construction period and beyond.

Connecting capital where it counts in Australia’s infrastructure, property and energy markets, creating the right partnerships to achieve the right returns for investors